JOSEPH SAWAYA: Music Website Featuring Biblical Songs

It is true: God is glorified when we sing our praises to Him! Music has become a way to communicate with Him—to connect with His unchanging truth that gives us an accurate perspective in life.

JOSEPH SAWAYA is a website that publishes and features contemporary Christian songs. Our songs are written to take us to into the presence of God—allowing us to have a sense of unity and identity as devoted Christians.

Access Our Music Through Membership

Are you ready to sing praises to our one and true Almighty God? For you to be able to listen to our music, we need you to become a member first.

We get contributions from our membership requirements, which help us support our passion for creating music for our Lord. Once you become a member, you can listen to all our songs for free!

How to Become a Member

  • Click the “Become a Member” Button
  • Sign Up and Create Your Own Account
  • Wait for Our Approval
  • Log in Using Your Approved Account
  • Browse Through Our Website
  • Freely Listen to Our Songs